Saturday, February 4, 2012

Alexander turns 7! Labour Weekend 2011

I see a real shift at seven, as if they are casting their boat off the shore a little, testing the waters of the world. One can just hope all ones love and guidance and effort invested is stored away securely like a squirrels stash of autumn nuts, to be drawn upon when needed. I realise more and more that our children are but borrowed that like Kahil Gibran  said, "(we) are the bows from which  your children as living arrows are sent forth." And that though they seem to need you less over time it is ever important that you are present and available and there when they do seek you out. That is one of my present humble goals as a parent - to give full attention when it is needed. I am guilty so often of just  'being busy" , to what end? I endeavour to have the wisdom to pause when called for,  to take the time to fill the love tanks when they are running low and fit in the "doing" when they are chugging along happily, or include them in it....
Happy birthday Alexander!
It was so lovely to have family to share it with this time, to have good fairy hands to help create a special party, and celebrate the milestone.
P.S. a jumble of photos some of mine, some taken by Stacey and some by Mum, forgive me I can't remember which is which. 
"Play is a child's work"

Stace and cousins
Love love love my new bunting, a combined effort by my good fairy aka Stace and I

I love my big bro

ever grateful for Mum's help in the kitchen
birthday feast - pronounced too healthy! Blame those hippie roots

gift opening, lots of hugging! long may it last amoung boys!

Thomas and Aston (boys of bestie Florence of

treasure hunt excitement

such laughs from the pinata pirate guarding the treasure
soccer with Dad's too, thanks Dale and Stace for the lovely goals

who knew that Irish dancing footwork would come in such handy?!

brother Dale and Campbell

a divine couple, soon to be married, see crafty prep at

1 comment:

  1. Just posted a comment on your last post and realized you'd written another. Happy Birthday Xandi! We have clothes to send that I hope you are not too big for:-) Much love to you Hannah! Beautiful party and kudos for a healthy spread!


It is lovely to know I am not alone on this journey, your comments remind me of that. Thanks!