Saturday, April 9, 2011

current beside reads

I thought it might be nice to share my current reads from time to time, lover of books as I am and having been so grateful for those recommended reads over the years.
I am currently dabbling in a few depending on mood and inclination.

An all time favourite "Mitten Strings for God" by Katrina Kenison was a gift from a dear American friend on the birth of our first born. It was then, and continues to be, a guiding compass for my parenting all woven in such a beautiful way. She, like I, has been very touched by the Rudolf Steiner philosophies of child rearing and education and I found much to remind me of where I want to be. Just lovely!

"Simplicity Parenting" by Kim John Payne is proving wonderful. I am feeling very inspired by his ideas and insights. He writes very much about finding a "pace of grace" to borrow a term from another much-loved title for oneself and children in this busy bustly world of ours.

The other titles probably need no introduction. It is still the height of my ambitions to have chickens, an endeavour not to entre into lightly I am warned by this book, blah!

1 comment:

  1. were planning to get a few bantams come spring, i cant wait!


It is lovely to know I am not alone on this journey, your comments remind me of that. Thanks!